Petri Haavisto (1984) is a visual artist living and working in Pori, Finland. He graduated from the Kankaanpää art school in 2021, In the past few years he has worked in several projects such as the Attractive Nordic Towns, Urb Cultural Planning, Urbact Come In!, iPlace and Lähiöohjelma 2020-2022. He has also created public art works, a recent example being the “Nousu” sculpture erected on highway 23. As his materials he utilizes 3D-filament, ceramics, concrete, bronze and steel. Haavisto also works with recycled materials and found objects, particularly trampoline mats.
He has held exhibitions in Finland, Latvia, the Netherlands and Portugal. Petri is deeply influenced by nature, where he love to spend his time, and even to lose his sense of time. His sculptures are often nature themed. Current work are inspired by images of the last moments of the earth, and of the merciless sea.

Muisto, 2020
45 x 65 cm
2020 Heinäkuu Rajatalo, Keuruu.
RAJATALO – määrittelemätön ajanjakso ympäristötaidetta.
Betoni, 2020
Muistista on jo kadonnut mustikan sininen ja tilalle on tullut kalpea betonin väri. Pinta on eloton.
Olen tutkinut mustikoita erilaisten tekniikoiden ja materiaalien avulla. Mustikoissa minua kiehtoo
herkkyys ja samaan aikaan tietynlainen voima. Niiden poimiminen on rauhoittavaa toimintaa ja
niitä on mukava aina välillä tutkia hyvinkin tarkasti ennen syömistä. Herkkyyttä olen pohtinut
muun muassa nimen avulla: onko mustikka tulevaisuudessa pelkkä muisto vain?
Kesäisin ihmiset voivat teosta katsellessaan poimia mustikoita sen ympäriltä ja halutessaan vaikka
värjätä teosta kohti mustikan omaa väriä. Ajan kuluessa metsä ottaa teoksen haltuunsa ja alkaa
muodostaa sen pinnalle omaa tarinaansa.
Concrete, 2020
The colour of blueberry has disappeared and been replaced with the pale colour of concrete. The
surface is inanimate. I have examined blueberries using various techniques and materials. What
fascinates me about blueberries is their sensitivity, combined with a certain kind of strength.
Picking blueberries is very relaxing and it is a pleasure to observe them carefully before eating. I
have tried to express the sensitivity through the name. In the future the blueberries in our forests
could be just a distant memory.
During the summer the spectators can pick blueberries around the piece. They can also try to
change the colour back to the normal colour of a blueberry if they wish. In the course of time, it
will blend into its surroundings and the forest will start to draw its own work of art on its surface.